neaRThings A spatial doodle



At a time I wanted to be an astronaut/ cosmonaut. Even went on to chronicle my star observations in a journal, a toy telescope could have helped. Time progressed and then I couldn’t miss an episode of The Mechanical Universe. Computers happened (in my life) and I poked in the MS DOS Window with fascination for hours on end.

Geo became my passion of focus through 5 years of tertiary education. Looking through theodolites and calculating ‘huge’ matrices in Adjustment of Survey Observations. During one of the crash course AutoCAD session, I typed “Recover”, from intuition in the command line and saved a colleague’s project from oblivion. From then on my affinity for computers grew, leading me to take the GIS stream of the GeoInformatics: Surveying degree program I was studying.

It has been 13 years developed and I have bumped into GitHub, Sublime Text, QGIS, ArcGIS, PostGIS and blog posts. I enjoy tinkering with software and looking at pretty pictures taken from space satellites or the coloured text of code in SublimeText; strongly biased toward thinking road lines and other shapes shown in QGIS or ArcGIS are more real than the street or football pitch out there. After the 8 to 4 day job and on weekends, I toil with FOSS4G, command lines and reading up on the trendy GI technologies or implementations.

Currently I am beginning to revive my love for statistics and I am a wannabe be Spatial Data Scientist/ Spatial Data Engineer and all those cool and trendy titles.

About Here

This site is where I doodle my interests and random thoughts. You may notice incoherence in my writing.(disclosure), I am a hobbyist poet!


The work presented here is in no way authoritative and is purely work in my personal capacity and not representative of my employer. It is neither official communication nor authoritative data dissemination. Consider it a weekend hack by a data fanatic in some garage with data gotten off the internet.


For a more formal introduction checkout my

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